Bring Your Wall To Life With 3D Wall Panels


Bring Your Wall To Life With 3D Wall Panels


Price : Rs. 4,700/-

This incredible lightweight and perfectly cut #Interior wall material is the shape solution to wall paneling/ #decoration. Fully, waterproof, soundproof and noise absorbent and made of natural components and tested quality coating which are safe for both adults and kids spaces.
It is also replaceable wall decoration material as well.

You can use a specific #design or two panels to create a single composition. Our 3D panels collection includes different set of panels, each design set are very to install and maintain. Clean and fast Installation with a cutting-edge perfect finish within one day depending on the square meters. 

We execute #project and carefully ask for permission from our dear client before display the pictures you are seeing. 

With 3D wall panels can be used inside, which can solve the aesthetic and #practical problems you can face in your home of office. These, can be minor wall defects, crack, wiring etc... They can #help you to easily and quickly turn the Interiors into your own tested.

With 3D wall panel you can easily cover the whole walls. So you can completely #changed the mood in the room, kitchen, living room.
It can be used in such a way that height and width

Of that #space can show much more than it really is indeed things you can use in your home to decorate the space with fantastic appearance.

For Enquires, Design selection and quote, Kindly call/WhatsApp the Number below.

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Rs. 4,700/-

Bring Your Wall To Life With 3D Wall Panels

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